강좌 정보
2024 제20회 동계워크샵
2024 The 20th KOGO Winter Workshop
기본 개요
The Association to Function Knowledge Portal (A2FKP)
Maria Costanzo and colleagues / Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
2024.01.31 09:30 ~ 2024.01.31 12:30
강좌 방식
온라인(zoom, live) / 이론+실습
강좌 정보
Overview of the Knowledge Portal platform (1.5 hr presentation)

 • Motivation: why do we need Knowledge Portals?

 • History of the Knowledge Portal platform

 • A2FKP data content

    ㅇ Genetic data

    ㅇ Genomic data

    ㅇ Curated knowledge

 • Analysis methods

 • Core pages of the A2FKP and navigation

 • Signature tools

 • Use cases: examples of the independent exercises

 • The “Bring Your Own Results” platform for visualizing and sharing your research

Independent exercise (1.5 hr; individuals or small groups, with opportunities for students to ask questions as they work; students may choose one or more of the exercises)

 1. Choose a gene of interest. Use the A2FKP to form a hypothesis about its role in a complex disease or trait.

 2. Choose a disease of interest. Use the A2FKP to form a hypothesis about which gene at a genetically associated locus is involved in the disease.

인터넷 접속 필요여부
파일 다운로드
기타 (ZOOM 접속)
교육생 개인 노트북
필요 필요하지 않음
세부 안내사항

It is not required, but could be helpful for students to prepare by:

• Familiarizing themselves with the A2FKP (a2fkp.org). Many of the tools and interfaces are explained in the Help documentation section (https://a2f.hugeamp.org/help.html)

• Reading our recent article: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(23)00079-7 The article describes the Type 2 Diabetes Knowledge Portal, but its data and architecture are analogous to those of the A2FKP.

• Reading a short article on understanding genetic association data: https://a2f.hugeamp.org/help.html?page=1036

• If students have questions before the workshop, they are welcome to contact us at help@kp4cd.org.

수강생 수준
This course is intended for researchers who are actively engaged in genetics or genomics research and interested beginners, including laboratory scientists and clinicians with a basic quantitative background, and quantitatively trained researchers with basic knowledge in human genetics. The lectures will be given in English.
수강생 준비물
개인 노트북
기타 안내사항

※ 영어로 진행되는 강좌입니다.

※ 온라인으로만 진행되는 강좌입니다.

   별도 오프라인 강의장이 없으므로 개별적으로 편한 장소에서 zoom 접속하여 수강하시기 바랍니다.

구분 세션 시간 강의내용 강사명 비고
Day 1 Session 1 09:30~10:50 Overview of the Knowledge Portal platform Maria Costanzo and colleagues Lecture
Day 1 Session 2 10:50~11:00 Break - -
Day 1 Session 3 11:00~12:30 Independent exercises Maria Costanzo and colleagues Practice